I was once told by my parents that, when I was born, my first wail inspired whoops and rejoicing. Some say there are few things in life more joyous than birth.
I think that those emotions are what should guide us as we live our lives as adults as well. That we should aim to leave this world feeling happy and fulfilled. That way, when others learn that we have died, their tears will be of joy rather than sadness.
Lately, I am grateful that I have learned some simple life rules I can follow to ensure that I too will lead a life that benefits both me and those around me.
The first rule is to maintain perspective. As theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking states; "we live on a small planet, which circles a very ordinary star, somewhere on the edge of a galaxy that is just one galaxy among hundreds of billions".
To me, he is saying that we need to get some perspective - don't take things so seriously.
At first, I thought I needed to delve into the depths of my psyche to achieve this. As it turns out, I was able to begin my new direction in life in a very practical manner.
For instance, when I arrived at work one morning, someone entering the building in front of me didn't hold the door open for me as I approached it. In the past, a minor offense like this was enough to spur negative thoughts about how nobody respects me.
Now my perspective has shifted and I realize that none of this has anything to do with me. Most likely, that person was just absent minded or in a bad mood. I don't pay it any mind and just go about my day with all the optimism I can muster. Instead of stewing in my own fury, I let my goodwill toward others shine out.
My other rule is Self Discipline. Practicing it helped me live a happier life. I found that when I was disciplined, my life became easier.
There's good reason for this. Life often means fighting your way through difficulties no matter how tricky they seem.
I can imagine what would happen if I gave up on my friends as soon as I had a disagreement with them. I'm sure that, before long, I'd have no friends, which would make my life even more difficult.
On the other hand, I found out that if I was self-disciplined enough to stick with my friends and talk through difficulties with them, not only did I learn much along the way, but I'll get to keep the friends, too.