Wednesday, March 31, 2021

My Second Challenge as a REAL Medium Writer


I began this second challenge with 711 followers. Ironically enough, my story titled “How I challenged myself to become a REAL Medium Writer” has had one of the best readerships and followers of all the stories I’ve published since I started almost a year ago. Clearly this is an interesting subject for readers within and outside of Medium.

At the end of the first week of this month, I had a total of 736 followers. That’s an increase of 25 followers over the course of a week. A week in which I withstood a major setback in my personal life. I must say, I’m quite proud of myself for this.

I continued to read and watch more videos on how to become a better writer and still didn’t fret over having material to write about. My curiosity increased exponentially. I have always been a curious person but, by this time, my curiosity had reached a whole new level. I was constantly wondering about the things around me and how I could turn them into a “story”.

Starting my second week, I had 2 stories published and 5 drafts in the works. This was a first for me. I had several ideas and felt I had to get some drafts started so I wouldn’t lose touch with them. The learning experience continued.

Also, a writing schedule started to develop. That time after dinner when I would normally “veg” and watch TV was much better spent putting my ideas on paper (or screen). There are many days when I get home from work with a couple of story ideas burning in my head. I may watch some TV right before I go to sleep but I felt good that those stories were “out there” or, at the very least, in the works.

By my third week I had 7 stories published and 5 more drafts in the works. It was turning into a kind of snowball effect. I was starting to think that this must be how the “big guns” at Medium do it. Just seeing all the drafts I had in the works was so exciting, it made me itch to do this full time. Hopefully in the near future, if I keep this up and the earnings pick up.

I met my goad and finished the month with 15 articles (this is #15). Having started the month with 711 followers, I am now close to 780 — an increase of 69 followers this month. Once again, I am beyond proud of myself for having accomplished this during a complicated period in my life.

I think it’s all about the “circle of control”. When I think about the outcome of a goal, I have to make sure it’s something I have “control” over. Yes, I want 1K+ followers on Medium but the reality is I don’t have control over whether someone decides to read or follow me or not. But what I do have control over is the quantity and the quality of the writing I publish and where and how I promote it.

For me, writing has been an entrance to a world so fascinating — I can’t get enough of it. As a Medium writer, I love that I have control over what material I write about and I choose to write about subjects I’m curious about — subjects that make me feel good- that speak to my heart, my character and the person that I want to be.

I feel grateful that I will have been a writer on Medium for a year by the time this story is published and challenge is over. Not a top writer, but a writer nonetheless and I’m very excited about what the year ahead holds.

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